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dF Sunday


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Defiance P2P Sunday ft. Zenith, CH, IR







deFiance set off today, heads held high, hungry for some bank loot. We started off breakfast feasting on a noob with a dragon platebody. After our little appetizer, we were hungry for CH. But then Zenith came calling..









ft Zenith, Chaotic/CPR





deFiance starting: 26

deFiance ending: 23


Zenith starting; ~18

Zenith ending: Battlefield Cleared






deFiance starting: 20

deFiance ending: 13 inside clan wars


Chaotic Starting 22~ (estimate)

Chaotic Ending: 4 -5 inside clan wars


CPR Starting: 35

CPR Ending: 32 outside clan wars


Sorry CPR, No hard feelings





The battle started with Zenith rushing dwarfs, thinking we had 17 (h3h3hh3h3h3). We munched on their low levels, with some fantastic listening and good decisions in TS. We feasted on remaning Zenith returners before we realized we needed room for dinner. We banked our loots, and head off to clan wars. We soon realized something was wrong. After Nastyy bellowed a scream that would put my nan to shame, we only knew one thing. CHAOTIC WERE PILING HIM#######. We set off to east of the mighty green dragons, pot and spread, and got them in a clump. We were clearing them untill cpr came to crash. CH were left with 4 inside clan wars, uttering a tower so terrible we lost our appetite. We stopped hitting CPR as to avoid a conflict and went inside Clan Wars to regroup.






ft IR, Chaotic





deFiance starting: 17

deFiance ending: 13 or so


Chaotic Starting: 13ish

Chaotic Ending: 2-3 returners who also got cleared


IR Starting: 30

IR Ending: 0


CPR Starting: 28 south of gate as we arrived

CPR Ending: 25 falled in next to us




dF were still hungry, and looking for more delicious treats to feast on. As we were waiting there gaining some EP so we could gain some bank, CPR called. IR and CH on them GDZ and west of maze. We quickly hopped, spread, and potted. Our first sight were a few Chaotic members, cowering away from the fight. We quickly received our loot and went into the mix of things. We cleared CH south of the gate, and saw a lot of IR all alone north of gate with a few CPR helping us (rest were at GDZ killing other IR). We quickly pushed IR to 50 ports, and with the help of CPR, cleared them. We had received our dinner, and our desert came in TS 10 minutes-20 minutes after. One of our members snuck into CH's vent, and was listening to Duval RAGING at Mitch. It put a fantastic end to a great day of bullying Chaotic. See ya next week!




Coming Soon








































~ Proud Leader of Hazard ~

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Edited for truth about the teaming part, and you didn't clear most of CPR they had 20+ at gdz feasting on 5-10 IR, I saw it after i was wondering where CPR were.

~ Proud Leader of Hazard ~

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Nice job in the low level- mid level scene.

Furious-Chan is a noob K-ON! Fan|I like Starcraft 2 and League of Legends ヽ(´ー`)ノ ~IGN both "MooMooMugi"
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Still, we beat you, and CPR were falled in next to us with like 15-20. It's either they had a really fast regroup, or your bull ******** us.


Either way we beat you and 10 CH with the help of CPR, chill out, L.

~ Proud Leader of Hazard ~

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  0ynxx said:
ok youll see once topic is up, not arguing with a clan that died in a month

Hi, I see we've angered you since you've decided to bait instead of actually tell the truth. I don't see your side of the argument as soon as we rushed in and got past the gate, IR ran to the tele portal, I lol'd when a few got left behind. You didn't return after that, then we saw CH at lower gap, and cleared them. Then EOP crashed, and that was the end.


Not that we're bragging, it was CPR+dF for that fight.

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Concidering we hold no regrets to help CPR in anything, I was told by Zach (0mgi0wnu23) the Warlord of CPR that Intense Redemption was crashing their fight, and concidering you had a decent pull today and out opt'd the rest of the MPC's, we wanted to get into the fight and help CPR. Sooooo, good game 0nyxx. I don't know why your clan is still angry about friday, it was just fun fights. Really don't get why you're still crying about it. W/e


gf anyways



BTW onyxx, CPR+dF easily won the gdz fight, deny it all you want.

You're the only idiot here denying it. What's new 0nyxx for idiot.

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IR pulled alot, sowut, tell me the real opts so I can edit them in. Besides, after what you say, It was dF + 1 or 2 CPR that killed ALL of IR.



Gf again

~ Proud Leader of Hazard ~

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LOL you killed us 'all' after we killed cpr + ch, we had 33 about running into ch/cpr, and after we killed them then ch returned at the gate for some time, we had about 15 when you ran in because cpr was cutting off returning, nothing else



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Good Job Defiance!

looks like you all had fun

11j2cfd.gif[Retired- High Council]| Since 09' | #Clan-CP | www.cp-rs.com |
"Could we even recognize ourselves, and if we did, would we know ourselves?
What would we say to ourselves? What would we learn from ourselves?
What would we really like to see if we could stand outside ourselves and look at us?"
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Yea was great fun, loved it. We pked for 3 hours, idk why IR can't suck up a defeat.



PS You didn't have 15 when we rushed, you had maybe 20+. I'll just leave it at a figure you actually gave me that could be realistic.

~ Proud Leader of Hazard ~

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cpr+df #1 nah.... Even DP can clear you both by themselfs



Proud ex Epidemic member - RIP
Proud ex Destructive pures member - RIP
Proud ex Fatality member
Proud ex AAO member - RIP
Ex Chaotic member, facepalm what was i thinking
Proud member of IR
#1 clan hopper yo.
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They aren't, this is dF's topic and I don't see CPR anywhere. Not gunna lie we did a lot of the clearing till we pushed you to 50s when you had around 5-10 left then CPR swooped in and helped us kill the rest + returners @ port.



EDIT: CPR did a lot of the clearing at first but you still had a lot of numbers, we had 6 or 7 CPR helping and by the time you were returning everyone from CPR was there

~ Proud Leader of Hazard ~

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  0ynxx said:
lol @ cpr + df, nice job teaming@#@, thats not a win when IR beat ch + cpr then cpr cried for help


You never beat us? You crashed are run in so it was basicly CPRvChvIR we called in dF for some help being nearly double outoptd by IR and Ch abrely hanging in there dF came in for the kill on Ch and then we both pushed you through to ports, dF came halfway through the fight.




dF rushed in just at this part hitting Ch outside of the gate who was killing are returners and trying to hit us from the side. dF cleared the remaining Ch while we was hitting your cluster untill Ch was cleared dF rushed in and got some free mage xp with us.


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  Target said:
cpr+df #1 nah.... Even DP can clear you both by themselfs



Dream on.


Maybe once they pull 50+ again, remember ur fighting 2 mpc's not even open for a year yet. Alex, you of all people - Why the FAK are you on this topic? When you re-join lemme know.

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