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Jagex are trying to kill pures They admitted it.


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"were not anti-pure, were pro defence"


They see it as some one not wanting to participate in an aspect of there game, so there trying to force you to take part in it. I see it as at the start there were two rooms, main and pures. Everyone chose a room and was happy for 5 years, mains became settled down, pures becomes settled and all was fine in the wonderful world of runescape, then Jagex took a dump in the pure room, it stunk up the room but not everyone moved as they didnt want to. So jagex started to take more dumps in said room, pures still dont move, so Jagex started to take a full on diarrhoea dump in the room right over everyone's heads, and they will keep doing it till everyone up and moves to the main room. We dont want to move because we like it in the room, we have friends there, set clans there, and it's all good. Jagex want us gone because there just power mad trolls.


If any Jagex staff read this, fire MMG; every poor update appears to be his brain child.

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I understand their reasoning.


If you had a game, and took a lot of time to create content for something, but people didn't use it, wouldn't you want to create more and better content for that area, in hopes that they would use it?


They don't hate pures, they're just "pro-we don't like wasting our ******* time on this content that you guys don't use so we release more updates for it"

|Tyler| - #Zulus
8818 person to achieve 99 Mining

Omni was here lOL
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  Jack-x2yz said:
They see it as some one not wanting to participate in an aspect of there game, so there trying to force you to take part in it.

This is the worst sentence for an argument ever.

They are not forcing you to do anything.

Armor should require defense, and that's all they're doing. The latest "good weapons" are chaotic/gravite which require no defense. Any other weapon is the same thing for the most part. Somethings that require quests, such as a handcannon and turmoil, are exceptions. They're not making you get this. If you want to be 1 defense, you can keep it. But don't blame them because the standard of a pure is low defense which was a result of the original pures in classic being 1 defense, high strength, 40 attack with r2h, because that WAS the best pker in Rs classic. The fact is we followed in their shoes until it got to the point where updates caught up with us. We started to become ineffective on some other accounts, because their armor's offensive bonus's caught up with us and their defense bonus was far far greater than ours. We then mainly started to fight pures (as a community) where pures were made to fight pures, instead of mains. The fact that pures think that they should stop updating the game because it's unfair to them is dumb. If it's unfair, they allow you to make it fair because it is your account. What are they going to do to make pures better? Armor for accounts with 1-20 defense? Does that make sense? No.

  Karl said:
Damn you're a nigger.

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  Mateo said:
This is the worst sentence for an argument ever.

They are not forcing you to do anything.

Armor should require defense, and that's all they're doing. The latest "good weapons" are chaotic/gravite which require no defense. Any other weapon is the same thing for the most part. Somethings that require quests, such as a handcannon and turmoil, are exceptions. They're not making you get this. If you want to be 1 defense, you can keep it. But don't blame them because the standard of a pure is low defense which was a result of the original pures in classic being 1 defense, high strength, 40 attack with r2h, because that WAS the best pker in Rs classic. The fact is we followed in their shoes until it got to the point where updates caught up with us. We started to become ineffective on some other accounts, because their armor's offensive bonus's caught up with us and their defense bonus was far far greater than ours. We then mainly started to fight pures (as a community) where pures were made to fight pures, instead of mains. The fact that pures think that they should stop updating the game because it's unfair to them is dumb. If it's unfair, they allow you to make it fair because it is your account. What are they going to do to make pures better? Armor for accounts with 1-20 defense? Does that make sense? No.


There forcing you to get defence, they said it in the conference. The more benefits they give to people with defence, the more powerful they become. Thus the more pures get there arses kicked in pvp, it will get to the point where pures just get destroyed by tanks/zerkers without a chance of winning. Jagex CHOSE for handcannon and turmoil to need defence, they could have made it so 1 def accounts can get them but no the CHOSE to make it main only by giving defence as quest rewards. Today they made it so you NEED defence to get the bonus of more common enchanted xbow effects. You said chaotic weapons don't need defence. This is true but not many people risk chaotic weapons due to the length of time that goes into getting them, not even many mains risk chaotic weapons. They CHOSE to screw pures footwear up. Honestly, I cant remember the last weapon/prayer/magic that came out that pures could realistic utilise in pvp... I think it was ancient magic. Jagex CHOSE to make all the recent good weapons/prayer/magic/other have defence requirement.


Why cant they just let us be? They are saying that as a pure you cant play certain aspects of there game, but what they are forgetting is to have a pure you need to have knowledge of the game. 99.99% of all pures have/have had a main, so they would eventually play these parts of the game. Im not saying they should stop updating the game, just when a good item comes out they make it available to everyone, not just 30+ defence accounts. I will say this though, there game was perfect in 2005.

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  MarK. said:
No one grabbed ur mouse and clicked on longrange.

There not doing it literally, there doing it metaphorically. Give enough pvp rewards to tanks/zerkers/low level mains and pures cant compete. So it will turn on it's head, destroying the fundamental purpose of pures, pure>low level main.

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  Jack-x2yz said:
There forcing you to get defence, they said it in the conference. The more benefits they give to people with defence, the more powerful they become.

You pretty much proved me right in these 2 sentences. They're going to add more content regardless. The fact that every single pure thinks that they shouldn't and if they do then it should all require 1 defense to do it is, in fact, retarded. If you want to pk, you have to adapt to the game, and that is apart of the game. The fact that pures who want to single pk, but complain that the new content is over powered towards people with defense, but don't get defense themselves, is complete ignorance.

  Karl said:
Damn you're a nigger.

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  Mateo said:
You pretty much proved me right in these 2 sentences. They're going to add more content regardless. The fact that every single pure thinks that they shouldn't and if they do then it should all require 1 defense to do it is, in fact, retarded. If you want to pk, you have to adapt to the game, and that is apart of the game. The fact that pures who want to single pk, but complain that the new content is over powered towards people with defense, but don't get defense themselves, is complete ignorance.


No, your completely missing the point. There going to have all new weapons/magic/prayer/whatever require a high defence. Lets say, they release one of these elite quests there on about, and you can do the quest without needed a defence level. At the end of it the reward will be a kick ass sword that hits 600's and 10k defence xp. That is what they said they would do, and that is what they have been doing. Hand cannons, Turmoil and now the more common enchanted crossbow effects.


Yes, armour should require defence levels.. No one is saying it shouldn't. What Jagex are doing that they shouldn't is making other things require defence levels that shouldn't require them. They sat around a CHOSE that turmoil needs 30 defence, they CHOSE that hand cannons needs 27 etc... They are doing this with the desired goal of you having to level defence in order to compete in the wilderness.

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  Jack-x2yz said:
No, your completely missing the point. There going to have all new weapons/magic/prayer/whatever require a high defence. Lets say, they release one of these elite quests there on about, and you can do the quest without needed a defence level. At the end of it the reward will be a kick ass sword that hits 600's and 10k defence xp. That is what they said they would do, and that is what they have been doing. Hand cannons, Turmoil and now the more common enchanted crossbow effects.


Yes, armour should require defence levels.. No one is saying it shouldn't. What Jagex are doing that they shouldn't is making other things require defence levels that shouldn't require them. They sat around a CHOSE that turmoil needs 30 defence, they CHOSE that hand cannons needs 27 etc... They are doing this with the desired goal of you having to level defence in order to compete in the wilderness.


You don't HAVE to get a hand cannon, and you don't HAVE to stay a pure. I don't understand why you're complaining anyways, if someone got 27 defence for hand cannon, and you're 1 defence, they've got 6 combat levels on you, so you shouldn't have to worry about them anywhere except PvP, or maybe at dragons or something.


Point being, if you want something, you do what is required for it, and you don't ***** about it. You obviously don't want a hand cannon, or you'd have it.

|Tyler| - #Zulus
8818 person to achieve 99 Mining

Omni was here lOL
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Companies tend to please the majority, and that's the only way RuneScape can be what it is today: one of the world's most played MMORPG, and #1 in the category of free MMORPGs hands down. That is simply fact.


However, companies also want to please as many customers as they can, both the majority preferences and the minority preference (regarding defense). Although Jagex does cater most to players who have defense, or in other words have created a game in which, like many other skills, defense is a requirement for a lot of the game.


Choosing to have low defense is a conscious decision made by some players, like myself. Going into the exciting world of puredom/ has its pros and cons, and what determines them are the physics of the game, if you will.


So, basically, imagine RuneScape as an actual (god damn insane, no doubt) world such as how we live on Earth. We in RuneScape want to have the benefits of defense without actually having it. A decent analogy to that in real world context is applying for a job which explicitly requires a you be a college graduate, you will not get that job. Another example is a well-to-do man attempting to get on welfare... it just isn't happening.

"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

- Carl Sagan

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  Tyler said:
You don't HAVE to get a hand cannon, and you don't HAVE to stay a pure. I don't understand why you're complaining anyways, if someone got 27 defence for hand cannon, and you're 1 defence, they've got 6 combat levels on you, so you shouldn't have to worry about them anywhere except PvP, or maybe at dragons or something.


Point being, if you want something, you do what is required for it, and you don't ***** about it. You obviously don't want a hand cannon, or you'd have it.


*sigh* but enough updates like these and the weight and pure power of a main will make a pure unusable... Thats what im getting at. From the sentence "there will be more updates to encourage you to get defence" that's what im picturing is going to happen.



  Kreusling said:
So, basically, imagine RuneScape as an actual (god damn insane, no doubt) world such as how we live on Earth. We in RuneScape want to have the benefits of defense without actually having it. A decent analogy to that in real world context is applying for a job which explicitly requires a you be a college graduate, you will not get that job. Another example is a well-to-do man attempting to get on welfare... it just isn't happening.


Imagen when you leave highschool you go straight into work, your happy there and are on a modest but acceptable celery for a 20 year old. Then one day the king of runescape decided he doesn't like people who didn't carry on with further education so makes you need a degree as a requirement to get a job. Youre ether going to be on your poor wage for the rest of your life your your going to college. Same kinda thing with pures and mains thats going on at the moment.

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